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Since January 2013, the OG+E Cowboy Wind Farm in Blackwell, OK has provided 72% of OSU-Stillwater's electrical power. The chart below shows our total wind usage for calendar year 2015.

2015 Wind Energy Use

Our 2015 year to date CO2 savings will be available soon.

Our 2015 CO2 savings was equivalent to 277 railcars worth of coal not burned! As a result of OSU's Green Power Partnership with OG+E, in 2016 we ranked #8 in Top 30 Universities, and #51 in the EPA's National Top 100 for leadership in renewable energy


EPA Award Presentation

OSU received a Green Power Leadership Award on December 3, 2014 from EPA at the Renewable Energy Markets Conference in Sacramento. Accepting the award for OSU are former Energy Services Director - James Rosner (left) and former Facilities Management CFO - Rick Krysiak (center). Jared Blumenfeld of the EPA (right) presented the award, which serves to recognize the leading actions of organizations, programs, suppliers, and individuals that significantly advance the development of green power sources.  

   EPA honors Oklahoma State University for green power leadership