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Best Energy Practices

General Energy Tips

Every person is expected to be an "energy saver" as well as an "energy consumer." However, as an energy consumer, you can make a difference by taking the following steps to reduce energy consumption in offices, classrooms, residential life buildings, and even at home.

    • Turn off lights when you leave the room.
    • Turn off computers, monitors, speakers, and printers when not in use.
    • Turn off TVs, stereos, and appliances when you leave the area.
    • Unplug all chargers when not in use.
    • Keep doors and windows closed when heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems are in use.
    • Close window blinds and angle them up when leaving for the day.
    • While room is occupied, set thermostats to 74-78 degrees for cooling and 68-72 degrees for heating.
    • During summer months, set thermostats to 82-85 degrees and Auto when leaving for the day or weekend; and, leave ceiling fans running at low speed to circulate air.
    • During winter months, set thermostats to 55-60 degrees and Auto when leaving for the day or weekend; and turn ceiling fans off.

Energy Tips for Campus Residential Life

Living Space(s)
    • Use power strips to turn off small appliances, TV and/or gaming systems.
    • Use CFL or LED bulbs in personal lighting fixtures.
    • Unplug all chargers when not in use, as they can be a fire hazard while wasting electricity.
    • Customize computer to "Power Save" mode, and ensure that monitor "sleeps" after 10 minutes of inactivity.
    • Take shorter hot showers, preferably no longer than 5 minutes.
    • Unplug hair dryers, straighteners, curling irons, etc., when not in use.
    • Report water leaks or toilets that keep running.
    • Unplug small appliances or turn off with a power strip.
    • Turn off lights in kitchen and dining areas when not needed.
    • Set refrigerators to 38-42 degrees F and freezers between 0-5 degrees F.
    • Use cold water wash cycles, as often as possible.
    • Wash only full load or adjust water level to match the size of the load.
    • Dry only full load or match the dryer cycle to the load.
    • Try air-drying clothes on a line or indoor rack. (This is especially good for delicates.)
    • Empty the dryer lint trap after each load.
    • Turn lights off each time you leave the laundry room.
Loungue Area(s)
    • Use natural lighting, as often as possible, rather than electric lighting.
    • Turn off lights as you leave the area.
    • Unplug decorative lights when not in use.
    • Use a power strip to turn off TV and/or gaming systems.
    • Encourage others to reduce their energy use.
    • Look for ENERGY STAR® label on purchases that use electricity.
    • Report energy or maintenance concerns to Facilities Management (744-8510) or
      Work Control (744-7131).
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