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Campus Footprint

Take action by making sustainable choices on campus through simple everyday actions that will reduce your overall carbon footprint.

Conserve energy

Use LED light bulbs in all your light fixtures, use power strips and avoid phantom energy by turn them off when you're away or they aren't in use, when doing laundry only wash full loads and choose cold water if possible, if you have space use a drying rack or clothesline instead of the dryer.

Eat sustainably

Shop locally at the Stillwater Farmers' Market or Sprouts Farmers Market, prioritize plant-based proteins and minimize your meat intake, and eat mindfully by focusing on what you're eating and asking yourself how it got from a farm to your fork. 

Get moving

Walk instead of drive, choose public transportation like The Bus or take the Big Orange Bus for trips to OSU Tulsa or OSU OKC, explore the city by bike through Orange Ride, or consider taking the stairs if you can! If you must drive try carpooling as often as possible!

Reduce waste

Arm yourself with reusable water bottles, bags, straws, and utensils. Minimize or eliminate the food waste you create by only taking what you know you will eat. Avoid Styrofoam and make sure to recycle through the OSU Recycles and ResLife Recycles programs.

Shop sustainably

Shop second-hand at thrift stores like the Thrifty Butterfly or online through stores like Depop and ThredUp. Donate any items you don't need or want.

Get involved

Volunteer or join a sustainability student organization like SGA Sustainability, Green Greeks, Eco Representatives, U.S. Green Building Council, Net ImpactEnvironmental Science Club, and many more. Check out CampusLink to find a complete list!

Get funded

Apply for a Green Student Initiative organized by the SGA Sustainability Committee. You can apply for up to $5,000 for a project that has a sustainability focus!


If you're interested in working at the Office of Sustainability at OSU, send us an email with your resume attached, your sustainability interests listed and we'll be in touch shortly!

Take a sustainability course

or choose a sustainability-related major, minor, or certificate.

Reducing Water Consumption

Turn off the water when brushing your teeth, knock a minute off your shower time.  Here on campus we try to reduce our water use through our irrigation programming, and rainwater collection.