Explore OSU Sustainability in the news, and see events of interest on campus
Get Involved
There are many ways for students, faculty, and staff to get involved in sustainability
at Oklahoma State University. From joining a student group, to attending faculty development
workshops, to working with the Office of Sustainability, to learning about lifestyle
changes, the opportunities are endless. Explore the categories below, and check out
our News & Events page for upcoming ways to get involved. Please contact the Office of Sustainability with any questions about how to get involved with any of the opportunities listed
here on our site or to suggest your own way of getting involved.
We acknowledge that the land granted to Oklahoma State University (OSU) was originally
inhabited and cared for by First Americans. We also recognize and acknowledge that
OSU resides and operates upon the territorial lands currently inhabited and preserved
by citizens of the 39 sovereign Tribal Governments within Oklahoma. As a land-grant
institution, OSU is committed to engaging in university and community efforts to represent
and honor the proud cultural heritage and history of Native citizens throughout the
state and nation, including our students, faculty, staff, and alumni. OSU continues
to respect and serve the sovereignty of the original Indigenous People owners and
protectors of these lands by cultivating and strengthening our institutional collaborations
with sovereign Tribal Nations and their citizens.