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Residential Life Resources

rainbow in the fountain at Theta Pond

Do you know the history of Theta Pond?


Planning for Fall Semester 2022   

Each year OSU Energy Management and Sustainability work together to plan for events that are looked forward to each year, such as Welcome Week and Lights On Stillwater. Tabling at these events is a great way to meet new students at OSU and to send them home with #swag (Stuff.We.All.Get).

Energy Manager Jenny Cundiff and Sustainability Coordinator Kristeena Blaser take time each year to explore vendors, such as Eskimo Joe's Promotional Products Group (EJPPG) and 4 Imprint, to select giveaways that are environmentally friendly, made from recycled/reused materials, and useful for students as they begin the new school year.


Learn How to Go Green for a Brighter Orange

Every person is expected to be an "energy saver," as well as an "energy consumer." However, everyone can make a difference by learning more about the OSU Energy Management Program, its policies and guidelines.

For those not familiar with the OSU Energy Management program, the OSU Energy Policy was established in August 2007. OSU Energy Guidelines  provide detailed information about the overall program and the behavioral expectations that contribute to energy savings across campus. Best Energy Practices is a summarized version of the guidelines, and offer general energy tips that can be applied on campus or off-campus to help save energy, whether in the office at OSU or in  your own home or apartment. Currently, OSU has saved nearly $70 million in utility costs since 2007 by reducing its energy consumption.

Won't you be the one to help us hit that $70 million dollar mark?!!!