Update - October 30, 2014
- Notes from Aim setup meetings held Oct. 28th and 29th with Aim consultant, Cristina
Wheless and Next Level team:
- CPPM to O&M processes - We discussed how Project Managers will request estimates from
Inhouse Construction, Utilities and Landscape Services.
- Request for an estimate from INHOUSE, UTIL or LANDSCAPE svcs will be initiated by a project manager via AiM Customer Request (within AiM) using three new internal problem codes.
- Work Control will process work order.
- Shops will receive and build estimate entirely on Phase 1. When phase estimates are approved, the estimator will attach an in-house construction estimate PDF to CPPM project.
- Upon approval ….an IWA is issued to the shop? (detailed in James’ CPPM workflow). The shop manager will create additional phases on the work order, referring the IWA which will fund work based on the capital project. James/Mike Keelin – Appropriate project manager roles need customer request insert permissions.
- James/Jenelle - Zone managers need Project Manager1 CPPM role and also a workdesk query under “other shops” channel that give them visibility to CPPM projects within their zones.
- Mike Keelin – Please confirm that a work order with set funding can have phases added that are funded by a capital project.
- Brandon - Require contact information on customer request UI (in AiM), For CPPM Project Manager initiated estimate requests.
- James – Project managers using CPPM will need a customer request Quicklink on their AiM WorkDesk.
- James – The CPPM estimate approval process will be added to CPPM workflows.
- CKIS – Cristina to setup RENO/ESTIMATE workflow (work order phase statuses and testing). Will update O&M SOP and create a training document for O&M managers as well as updated training docs for estimators who will generate a PDF estimate, attach it to the Capital project and later create phases attached to the IWA.
- All Shop Daily Assignments will be handled within the Work Planning & Scheduling screen.
- CKIS- Update training docs to reflect this process.
- Marla - I can show you the functionality and provide training docs early for testing. Managers and supervisors would like to begin using the system before I’m back in December….hoping you can help?
- Jenelle – Please make sure new standing planned work orders DON’T have estimated start/end dates. This will prevent them from showing up on the Work Planning & Scheduling screens. The work desk queries for phases missing estimated start/end dates need to be updated to exclude phase status STANDING. Lastly we no longer need a DAILY ASSIGNMENT Quick Link on Manager/Supervisor WorkDesks
- KPI Metric for DUE HOURS Changed in AiM!
- I’d like to reiterate that there will not be a metric for response time, i.e., when the technician begins work on a job. In order to do this, we would need 1) a Work In Progress phase status techs could set and 2) every technician in Facilities Management would need a device in order to set the status and “inform” AiM that work has begun. We will have a metric to measure work order completion, i.e., OPEN to WORK COMPLETE. I’ve updated Priority Due Hours to reflect when work is due, not initial response time
- CKIS – Make parallel change in AiM Dev.
- Asset Labeling
- ECAP is in the final testing phase and they are asking about meter barcodes. We also need a simpler label format for other serialized assets.
- Brandon – Please work on asset labels.
- Landscape Preventive Maintenance for Backflows
- Mike has created PM standards for backflows. Before we can move forward the assets need to be created.
- Marla and Jeff – Please work with Mike Nelson to define any asset groups and attributes he may need and assist with training for new asset definition (within AiM). Once that’s done they can move forward on PM templates with the new PM specialist or Michelle.
- Early Preventive Maintenance Setup
- For energy services, James has decides that PM generation will occur monthly and no default shop person will be assigned within PM templates.
- Michelle – Please contact Matt Driskel and Mike Horn next week to begin PM template setup.
- Michelle – Please contact Chris Martin next week to begin PM template setup for tree assets. (I’d like to attend this meeting.)
- New Exception Report – Missing Completed Phases Missing Notes
- Managers will expect all technicians record notes on their assigned work order phases. CKIS will provide a report to track any missing entries.
- CKIS – Develop and deploy report.
- Jenelle – The report will need to be added to Manager/Supervisor work desk report listings.
- Brandon- Please make Note Type a required field when notes are entered.
- The EHS Internal Walkthrough was Missed
- Ran out of time.
- CKIS - Complete sample WorkDesk for a supervisor and a technician (as they will not use iDesk)
- Marla – Please schedule a 90 minute meeting including Brandon, Jenelle and optionally others on the AiM project team. I’ll be available for this meeting Monday, Thursday or Friday next week.
- FSS Workflow Review
- We discussed the need for a ADMIN/SUPERVISORY work code to track time spent on review and investigation of service requests routed to a shop.
- Jenelle – Please create these work codes as you see fit.
- Service Contract Invoice WalkThru Rescheduled
- This meeting was canceled as AssetWorks changed their external charge import with the V7 release.
- CKIS – AW just sent me the update import spec, need to update GCA template and training docs.
- Chuck, Charles and Yankun – We’ll meet a week from Friday on this.
- We need a “reassigned” WO status if a work order is cut and the shop reassigns. Action
Desk will then cut the new work order with a note and will include comments.
- Michelle – Please schedule a meeting for Jenelle and I. It was unclear to me who would set this status (Work Control or Shops).
- Jenelle - Dan (CONTROL SYSTEMS) is asking if there will be a SWO for generic BSG activities that apply to more than one property, either system, server or component based.
- O&M WorkDesks must be Standardized and Completed before December Training
- CKIS – I’ll take care sample workdesk for Energy Services Engineers (Tim Titus, Dale Alexander, Omar Sanjay), one EHS Tech and one EHS Supervisor. I’ll also develop a workdesk for James, he can review and update later.
- Jenelle – Please review and finalize for Zone Managers and Supervisors, Landscape Svc, In-House, FSS and Central Trades.
- Sign and Key Shop Won’t use Fixed Price Billing
- Jeff – Please review and update FSS problem codes once more to remove any PRICELIST work types. That’s assuming you’re removing all of them. If you want keep any it’s fine, just let me know which ones. (Updates need to be made in test and dev.)
- CKIS – Remove unneeded pricelist wo billing setup sequences
- Energy Services Walkthrough Review
- James decided that any emergency or urgent calls will be dispatched to a daily assignment by work control. We need specific See/Fix problem codes for utilities that will default their work order information. Utilities Engineers need to be included is the Estimating module training; James will assign projects for estimates and approve. Lastly, we discussed how Energy Services will initiate work for energy audit findings and other internally identified work; they will enter service requests on the customer portal.
- CKIS - Create a new category MAINTENANCE/PLANNED-UTIL. Done in dev, create in test. Create WO and Phase statuses, WO Billing Setup statuses, etc.
- Brandon - copy all active work codes created on 10/29 from dev to test
- Brandon - hard delete inactive work codes (and related table data) in dev.
- CKIS – Add See/Fix process for utilities to SOP
- CKIS – Add Energy Audit Fining problem code (in test and dev)
- CKIS - Create CR Review and Approved statuses for Control Systems, electrical dist, utilities dist. Utilities prod, water plant. Also disable energy services and add for Landscape Svc
- CPPM to O&M processes - We discussed how Project Managers will request estimates from
Inhouse Construction, Utilities and Landscape Services.
Update - October 29, 2014
- Star Rez interface – Physical Plant needs update of the status of this interface that will allow Res Life work order requests to bridge to Aim. Brandon said he would ask for an update.
- Sci-quest interface between sciquest and Aim to allow material purchases using OK Corral rather than current Pcard method of ordering materials is on track. No issues at the moment.
- EHS setup in Aim –Setup in aim begins next week.
- CPPM –project and capital workflow setups in Aim are on track. No issues
- Campus training – idea from the group of having a professional video made of how the campus will enter work orders in the new system and information about funding etc. Maybe the Nov/Dec timeframe to have this done?
- Creation of the new FM website – concern was raised whether any work has been done on creating a new FM website. This needs further discussion.
- In preparation for the December/January Aim User Training the labs will be reserved by Jeff for (1) lab for Dec 1 – end of Jan 2015
- Customer Service Training – Joey and Renee will begin training Nov 4-5 and continue sessions into month of November as needed for basic customer service. More targeted customer service with select individuals will occur in conjunction with Aim User Training timeline.
- Discussions on KPIs and report metrics to come later, probably in December timeframe per Cristina.
- Shop stock will not be setup in new Aim at this point for zones. This will be addressed after go live when more data is available.
- Maintenance, grounds, keys, signs and preventive maintenance workflows continue to be determined. Some corrections are being found during user testing phase.
- Aim test to migrate to Aim Dev approx.. Oct 24th.
- Rearrangement of the physical plant spaces continue. Office/Shop diagrams were posted on bulletin boards so everyone will know where each department is relocating. Includes new zone shop locations.
- Meeting will be held later to determine how work orders will be entered in old and new system or other alternate plan during the transition phase.
- Training Schedules (dates and times are tentative and subject to change or cancellation):
- 1. Device training – Troy has Suminda conducting small group training starting now.
- Aim User Testing – Started this week and will continue until 32 tests are completed
- Aim End User Training – December – Marla asked Cristina for dates this week, Jeff will reserve labs
- Sciquest (OK Corral) – December 9, 10, 11, 15, 16 (employee selects one date only) sessions are 2 hrs
- Customer Service training – Nov 4 & 5 with additional sessions in Nov, then target training in Dec.
- Other Notes:
- Cristina (Aim consultant)on site week of Oct 27
- Huron Educational Consulting on site Oct 30th
- CPPM training week of Oct 27
Update - October 16, 2014
- List of upcoming training or testing over the next several months:
- October
- Device training – Troy will take the lead on this training. It was discussed in the meeting that employees are asking now for device training and already coming to Troy’s group for help. He will coordinate with the directors to start the training.
- Aim User Testing – Jeff and Marla will lead this testing. This will be coordinated with each director to walk down a list of “tests” that coordinate to work activities employees will be expected to perform and to validate that the system allows the this work activity to be correctly performed. Any issues or “blockers” will be logged and given to area that can fix the issue.
- Campus communication – Rick is working on this with Gary Shutt
- Employee communication – Joey to lead this - she will get a meeting to brainstorm ways to improve communication flows down to employees.
- November
- Customer Service Training - Renee and Joey leading this task – they are working with Lorinda from OSU HR and anticipate training to be identified and rolled out in November.
- December
- Aim End User Training – Cristina will conduct the formal training to all users. She will also supply written process documentation.
- Sciquest (OK Corral) training – Marla is leading this task – working with Bonnie Hess of OSU HR to setup training just for the physical plant employees from OSU Purchasing. Marla will send out more information about time and dates when received from Bonnie.
- October
- Status of other work:
- Sciquest interface – this one is in a caution status – Brandon/Troy working with Asset works on code but this one might be close on making it in on time.
- Star Rez – Brandon to see where Res Life is on this interface. Need to make sure this one is moving along. This one is also in caution status.
- PM asset identification and gathering for O&M – Ron held training this week on how to enter asset information into the template with his PM group. Not expected that all assets will be gathered by go live. Ron’s plan is to gather assets by building.
- Standing work orders – Cristina mentioned this week that standing work orders need to be entered as soon as possible. Troy and Brandon to review.
- Aim IQ – work should begin this month on this.
- EHS workflows – Cristina expressed concern that identification of what is going to be tracked in Aim is not progressing quickly enough for her to have time to work on this. This may cause a time constraint for Cristina. While this may not cause an issue for FM go live in Jan 20th, this may be an issue for Cristina to do the setups.
- SLA’s – Res Life should be signed shortly, meeting with Vet Med next week to review their questions/changes, waiting on Parking & Transit and University Dining to get back with FM about changes or questions. Still need Sla’s for Athletics, Student Union, University Health Services, Wellness Center and Prop & Risk Mgmt.
- Warehouse access afterhours– Troy working to get equipment on order.
- Accounting is working on the account setups for Refuse (Allied Waste). Other than that Troy indicated all other accounting setups are complete.
- Brandon indicated he did not know of any other setups that needed to be done in Aim. User testing will be a way for us to identify any gaps or blockers in the new system design once this testing begins.
- 24 hour Action Desk phone coverage – There are issues with the software and ac/dc setups. Troy working on this.
- It was decided this week that shop stock will not be setup in Aim for zones. Data will be gathered after go live and a determination will be made at that time if shop stock will be setup in Aim in the future.
Update - October 16, 2014
- List of upcoming training or testing over the next several months:
- October
- Device training – Troy will take the lead on this training. It was discussed in the meeting that employees are asking now for device training and already coming to Troy’s group for help. He will coordinate with the directors to start the training.
- Aim User Testing – Jeff and Marla will lead this testing. This will be coordinated with each director to walk down a list of “tests” that coordinate to work activities employees will be expected to perform and to validate that the system allows the this work activity to be correctly performed. Any issues or “blockers” will be logged and given to area that can fix the issue.
- Campus communication – Rick is working on this with Gary Shutt
- Employee communication – Joey to lead this - she will get a meeting to brainstorm ways to improve communication flows down to employees.
- November
- Customer Service Training - Renee and Joey leading this task – they are working with Lorinda from OSU HR and anticipate training to be identified and rolled out in November.
- December
- Aim End User Training – Cristina will conduct the formal training to all users. She will also supply written process documentation.
- Sciquest (OK Corral) training – Marla is leading this task – working with Bonnie Hess of OSU HR to setup training just for the physical plant employees from OSU Purchasing. Marla will send out more information about time and dates when received from Bonnie.
- October
- Status of other work:
- Sciquest interface – this one is in a caution status – Brandon/Troy working with Asset works on code but this one might be close on making it in on time.
- Star Rez – Brandon to see where Res Life is on this interface. Need to make sure this one is moving along. This one is also in caution status.
- PM asset identification and gathering for O&M – Ron held training this week on how to enter asset information into the template with his PM group. Not expected that all assets will be gathered by go live. Ron’s plan is to gather assets by building.
- Standing work orders – Cristina mentioned this week that standing work orders need to be entered as soon as possible. Troy and Brandon to review.
- Aim IQ – work should begin this month on this.
- EHS workflows – Cristina expressed concern that identification of what is going to be tracked in Aim is not progressing quickly enough for her to have time to work on this. This may cause a time constraint for Cristina. While this may not cause an issue for FM go live in Jan 20th, this may be an issue for Cristina to do the setups.
- SLA’s – Res Life should be signed shortly, meeting with Vet Med next week to review their questions/changes, waiting on Parking & Transit and University Dining to get back with FM about changes or questions. Still need Sla’s for Athletics, Student Union, University Health Services, Wellness Center and Prop & Risk Mgmt.
- Warehouse access afterhours– Troy working to get equipment on order.
- Accounting is working on the account setups for Refuse (Allied Waste). Other than that Troy indicated all other accounting setups are complete.
- Brandon indicated he did not know of any other setups that needed to be done in Aim. User testing will be a way for us to identify any gaps or blockers in the new system design once this testing begins.
- 24 hour Action Desk phone coverage – There are issues with the software and ac/dc setups. Troy working on this.
- It was decided this week that shop stock will not be setup in Aim for zones. Data will be gathered after go live and a determination will be made at that time if shop stock will be setup in Aim in the future.
Update - August 8, 2014
- Interviews and selection of 2 remaining Assistant Supervisors were completed.
- Operations & Maintenance trade employees have been tentatively assigned by skill need to specific zones.
- CPPM module discussions continued all week
- Survey development, thru Qualtrics, is being finalized. This will allow for work order, yearly customer, and yearly employee surveys.
- Shop Stock / Bench Stock identification is being finalized for all Operation and Maintenance areas.
- Ron is working on vehicle assignments for Zones
- Ron and James presented a demonstration of the work order system to the Fiscal Officers. They also presented information on default accounts.
- Joey is inserting a new item for New Employee Orientations to address performance standards and maintaining a harassment free environment.
Update - August 1, 2014
- Job posting on 2 remaining openings at Assistant Supervisors are open. Interviews and selections to happen next week.
- Operations & Maintenance trade employees have been tentatively assigned by skill need to specific zones.
- Service Level Agreement for Res Life has been sent to Matt Brown and Shannon Baughman for review.
- Rick, Ron, and Marla met with Dr. Bird, Terry Baker, and Mitch Kilcrease to discuss Service Level Agreements in Student Affairs.
- CPPM module has kicked off and will continue next week
- Upgraded AiM to version 7.0 which includes CPPM functionality and allows Christina (CKIS) to continue with loading of properties, locations, employee, etc.
- Shop Stock / Bench Stock identification is complete in Zone 4, ongoing in Zone 1 & 2, ongoing in FSS, and starting in Zone 5
- Ron is working on vehicle assignments for Zones
- Qualtrecs is being purchased to allow for survey questions to be sent after each work order and for annual customer service/employee surveys
Update - July 18, 2014
- Announcement of Zone Supervisors and most Assistant Supervisors completed.
- Job descriptions updates are turned in for the 2 remaining openings at Assistant Supervisors. Posting and selection for the 2 openings with target completion by end of July.
- Balance of Operations & Maintenance trade employees will be assigned by skill need to specific zones in early August.
- Development of the Service Level Agreement is complete for Res Life.
- Rick, Ron, and Marla meeting with Dr. Bird to discuss Service Level Agreements in Student Affairs. Meeting with Dining next week
- Zone’s boundaries are re-drawn and buildings have been reassigned. This will allow for more FTE’s in the GU Zones where there is a greater need.
- Moving forward with Star Res integration for Housing. This will provide efficiency with both parties by eliminating double entry and allowing for transparency.
- Joey is working to schedule training for Assistant Supervisors in August.
- CPPM module with LRFP to start next week
Update - July 11, 2014
- Aim development meetings held July 9-11
- Meeting to setup default billing accounts
- GCA demo of proposed workflow in AiM
- BSG/energy workflow discussions
- Meeting with Landscape to discuss controlled inventory
- Aim training workshops conducted by Cristina Wheless with Physical Plant employees
at the OSU Classroom building July 10 - 11
- How to create a construction estimate and establish a custom price book in Aim
- How to create an asset in Aim for future preventive maintenance work orders
- How to create a preventive maintenance standard in Aim
- Physical Plant Re-Organization activities update
- Selection of Zone Supervisors completed. Selections will be announced week of June 14th.
- Job descriptions are being updated for Assistant Supervisors. Posting and selection for the 2 openings with target completion by end of July.
- Balance of Operations & Maintenance trade employees will be assigned by skill need to specific zones in early August.
- Development of the Service Level Agreement is complete for Res Life. Development of other SLA’s in progress.
- Zone’s boundaries are being re-drawn. This will allow for more FTE’s in the GU Zones where there is a greater need.
Update - June 27, 2014
- Aim related meetings or discussions:
- Keys reviewed and setup common problem codes in AiM with CKIS
- Cristina reviewed O&M problems codes with Ron
- Reviewed processes in sign shop, working on common task list with pricing
- Finalized survey questions and approach in AiM
- Discussed BSG workflow in AiM
- Physical Plant Accounting had walk through with Cristina in AiM
- PO received for CPPM module, kickoff tentatively set for Sept.
- Grounds and Utilities are working on setting up properties and property tiles in AiM
- Grounds working on list of assets needing preventative maintenance, plan to enter into Aim soon
- Continued discussions on Shop Stock and process
- Jim Belshe (Huron) completed review on the Housing SLA and the Guide to Services, Marla is completing final draft to share with Shannon in Housing, Ruby completing final draft of Guide
- HR posted of new zone supervisor positions, receiving applications, will start interviews next Tuesday and Wednesday, will name candidates before end of July
- Decision made to start Sept. 1, 2014 with 24 hour / 7 day a week Action Desk and extended hours of Evening Operations to midnight
- Ron is in process of reviewing Zone Staffing numbers by trade/skill
- Chuck Cassidy is working on identifying In-House Construction processes
Update - June 23, 2014
- Aim related meetings or discussions:
- Keys-developed list of common problem codes to be reviewed by CKIS
- Presented discussion of the procurement process for ordering materials in sci-quest with Rick and Adrian.
- Meet with Rick and Team to discuss outstanding business decisions, i.e. charging for estimates, charge for event related custodial services, shop stock inventory, PM Coordinator position, customer surveys.
- CPPM is in OK Corral and a purchase order should be issued soon
- Grounds and Utilities are working on setting up properties and property tiles in AiM
- James worked on coordination of NEW name, number and shop rate which have been handed to budget and asset management which will lead to getting this information into HRS and FRS systems.
- Ron complete review on the Housing SLA and Marla is completing final draft to share with Shannon in Housing.
- HR posted of new zone supervisor positions, will close listing on June 30 and start interviews the first week in July
- Evening operations and Action Desk will change effective Sept 1. Evening ops hours from leaving at 9pm to leaving at midnight. Action Desk is changing from leaving at 7pm to 9pm, after 9pm a plant employee would answer the phone. This allows all calls to the Action Desk to be answered by a person 24/7. This was a customer and employee satisfaction request.
- Rudy Ladd should complete her work on the Guide to Services this week (just waiting on pictures of managers from marketing).
- Decision made to start Sept. 1, 2014 with 24 hour / 7 day a week Action Desk and extended hours of Evening Operations to midnight
Update - June 13, 2014
- Aim related meetings or discussions:
- Keys/Truck Services – understand current process, what are billable vs maintenance work, current time recording process, how inventory is handled and to determine Aim workflow
- Walkthrough of the first pass Aim workflows for Service Requests. Team members were able to view in Aim the “first pass” process for how a service request will be entered into Aim and the subsequent flow until closure in Aim. This was first pass only, more work to streamline or change the process may be needed
- Meeting with Res Life (Shannon Baughman, Matt Brown, Bradley Baustert) to discuss the interface needed between Star Rez and Aim to import service requests. Res Life to determine scope and cost to them for Star Rez integration, however, they did not think it would be significant.
- Meeting with Landscape to determine assets to be tracked in Aim preventive maintenance, determine inventory for bench stock/shop stock/greenhouse inventory/plant rentals, and a review of the large vehicle asset list.
- Discussion of the procurement process for ordering materials in sci-quest. Initial flowchart was developed of the Sci-quest process. Next meeting will continue with this discussion and include how, if any, P-cards will be used in the future state.
- Discussion of the zone preventive maintenance process. Cristina did a brief demo of the proposed pm process.
- Hands on walkthrough on energy management mobile devices for domestic water preventive maintenance process.
- James conducted a (tour) walkthrough with Cristina of the power plant to view the asset systems.
- Meeting with Rick and Team to discuss outstanding business decisions, i.e. charging for estimates, charge for event related custodial services, shop stock inventory, PM Coordinator position, customer surveys.
- James worked on coordination of NEW name, number and shop rate with budget and asset management which will lead to getting this information into HRS and FRS systems.
- Renee, Jim Gardner and Aim team held the first meeting on the Sci-Quest integration.
- Ron reviewed the Res Life SLA draft with Shannon Baughman.
- Mobile devices for O&M and Construction have been ordered. May be additional ordered later as needs are better know.
- Joey and Lorinda Schrammel conducted the Road to Success (change management training) workshop with physical plant managers on June 5. She will schedule the next meeting with the supervisors in July.
- Waiting on HR posting of new zone supervisor positions, still targeting end of June completion.
- Evening operations and Action Desk will change effective Sept 1. Evening ops hours from leaving at 9pm to leaving at midnight. Action Desk is changing from leaving at 7pm to 9pm, after 9pm a plant employee would answer the phone. This allows all calls to the Action Desk to be answered by a person 24/7. This was a customer and employee satisfaction request.
- Rudy Ladd has the guide to services almost complete.
- James conducted a meeting on June 5th with Darlene Hightower and Pam Coleman to review the proposed interfaces and Aim portals for customer information/work requests that were developed by Brandon Kiso.
Update - May 23, 2014
- For input into Aim a list of Bench Stock parts was reviewed to identify parts (small consumables) that workers will not expense to work orders. Ron to develop a list of parts to be included as Shop Stock (inexpensive, frequently used) items that will be expensed to work orders. Ron to review with Zone Managers for their input next week.
- Brandon is finished with the development of the Customer Work Request online form functionality. Next, work flow testing of the form will be performed.
- Brandon is finished with development of the New Asset Form for mobile devices. This form is used for loading of new asset entries into Aim.
- Meetings with Utilities Distribution and Production to identify the preventive maintenance asset parameter information.
- Cristina worked with James to complete set up information necessary to allow the generation of a preventive maintenance work order and training during her next on site working session with Utilities employees on June 9th.
- The next level group finalized KPI’s and work order survey questions. Proposal is to have a short 4 question survey following work request completions to gather real time customer input. Ron and Marla to follow up with Res Life regarding their surveys next week. Cristina to review the functionality in Aim to have the surveys issued at work request completion rather than by work phase which is our preference.
- Ruby Ladd is formatting the Guide to Services and is very close to finishing. It looks very good!
- Troy purchased and received the 2014 RS Means used in Aim assets.
- James Rosner facilitated a 2 day workshop with AssetWorks and Long Range Facilities Planning regarding the Asset Works CPPM model (Projects).
- Discussion was held to develop plan/procedures for how work orders, payment and tracking in Aim will occur for Power Outages and Emergencies.
- Rick is reviewing the Zone Supervisor job descriptions and should have them back to Joey/Ron next week.
- Chuck is working with GCA to have them provide electronic, line item invoicing. Meeting was held Thursday with Cristina. Cristina is formatting the import template into a user-friendly xls file.
Update - May 17, 2014
- Job descriptions for Zone Supervisor positions were completed and sent to Rick and Adrian for review. After their review, Joey will grade the positions. Target is on track to complete the process by end of June.
- Utilities is going to be the beta testing for Assets loading and generation of preventive maintenance work orders in Aim. They have submitted to Cristina all of the utilities assets using the new field asset collection form.
- Rebranding name for the Physical Plant was decided to be “Facilities Management”
- Phone meetings were held on Tuesday with Cristina to outline policies for Zone Controlled inventory, Shop Inventory and Heavy Equipment Rental. Zone controlled inventory is small consumables that are expensed out and in the shop rates. Shop Inventory is small, inexpensive frequently used items in the zone to be held in the shops for quick use that will be charged to the work orders. Heavy Equipment rental is equipment that the physical plant owns and uses in maintenance but does not today charge a fee on the work orders. Renee to gather a list of items for zone controlled inventory and shop inventory for consideration by Ron by Friday. Ron met with his Zone Managers to gather a list of frequently used items to carry in shop inventory. Jeff to gather a list of heavy equipment that would be considered for rental fees.
- Meeting was held on Monday to discuss the process for procurement of supplies via OK Corral. Renee gave a presentation of how materials are procured today through Aim. Ron to discuss with his Zone Managers.
- Discussion was held about adding 5 survey questions to the completion of each work order to gather customer satisfaction input. However, Aim cannot exclude certain large volume customers like Res Life from getting numerous surveys. More discussion next week on this topic.
- Guide to Service is complete with as much information as has been determined to date. Next step is to get it formatted.
- Meeting was held with EHS representatives regarding using Aim for tracking and scheduling of their asset preventive maintenance work orders.
- Phone meeting was held on Wednesday with Cristina to complete the discussion of time tracking of exempt employees and who should be costing out their time in Aim.
- Meeting was held with Marla, James and Ruby Ladd to discuss a process for documentation of staff positions. Huron recommendation #18. Ruby to develop an overview and documentation coding methodology.
- Jenelle Feddersen and Cristina worked on the electronic file format for service contract invoice import into Aim. This import would allow invoices from contractors such as GCA and Allied Waste to send their invoices electronically. Invoices would also have charges split by work order. This allows proper cost allocation by building/property.
Update - May 3, 2014
- Ron Tarbutton held the first meeting with the new Zone Managers to start immersing them into the project.
- Ron, Joey Keel and Marla held meetings with each of the trade shops to answer any questions about the new zone managers and to identify the next steps in the reorganization of the O&M employees.
- Ron, Troy Levings and James Rosner held a meeting to discuss the hours of operation for the Action Desk and to develop a new process for after hours maintenance calls.
- Shannon Baughman reviewed the Residential Life draft SLA and responded back with written comments/recommendations. Jeff Sweeden incorporated her recommendations into the SLA draft
- On site meetings were held with Cristina Wheless (CKIS) and Andrew Billings (Huron)
on May 1 & 2. Aim development topics discussed:
- Problem codes identification
- Work code & work code groups
- External property data in Aim
- Discussion on whether “exempt” employees would clock into Aim to capture costs
- Quick review of guide to services
- Quick review of guide to services
- New names for departments were sent to Rick Krysiak for approval
- James facilitated a demo by Asset Works with the Physical Plant and Long Range Facilities Planning on Aim’s Capital Planning Module (Projects)
Update - April 18, 2014
- Plan to announce the Zone Manager selections is moving along well. Timing is for the announcement in April
- Meetings were held on the Aim reimplementation work on April 16 – 17th with Cristina Wheless and the next level teams. Topics discussed were Asset management, work codes and project management.
- Meeting was held with Mr. Joe Weaver and the next level team to update him on the progress
- Change management training was held with the physical plant directors on Friday with Lorinda Schrammel of OSU Human Resources. Intent is to carry this training out throughout the physical plant in time.
- Chuck Cassidy, Director of Maintenance Engineering, is going to lead a Project Management Team with Next Level for design of Project Management in the future. Their first meeting was held on April 11.
Update - April 1, 2014
- During the month of March small meetings were held with each of the trade shops. The meetings were led by Ron Tarbutton, Director of Operations & Maintenance, and Joey Keel, Human Resources and Marla Boles, Next Level Project Support. The intent of the small meetings was to follow up with the employees to answer any questions they might have regarding the Next Level Project. Many good questions came from the meetings. It was expressed that the employees would like to continue that type of meetings, so it will be scheduled monthly or bi-monthly. Questions can still be entered anonymously through the Next Level website at any time.
- Aim team meetings were held with Cristina Wheless, consultant, during March 29 & 30.
Topics during those meetings:
- Process flow discussion on work requests. How does a work request get entered into Aim then what is the process to route to the Zone Manger.
- What are the work classifications, categories and work codes going to be in the future
- Discussion on assets for the preventive maintenance Aim workflow. How will we capture all the asset information, by building or by asset type
- Discussion on writing a Guide to Services to be placed on the Physical Plant website. The guide would give campus information about the services the physical plant can perform, how to enter a work request, information about the zones and zone contact information, what services are offered as part of maintenance and which are considered a billable (fee) service.
- Discussion about what is considered construction and how will work orders be routed to the construction manager
- Discussion on the process to use employees from the central trade zone in the other zones, basically how does that work in Aim.
- Zone Managers were to be announced in March, but will be delayed into early April.
- Utilities will pilot the Aim applications with IPads and IPhones. Testing of assets using utilities assets information
Update - March 17, 2014
- Shop Talk – Ron Tarbutton, Director of Operations and Maintenance, Marla Boles, Next Level Project Manager, and Joey Keel, Physical Plant Human Resources, will be conducting “shop talk” with each of the O&M shops during the days of March 14 through March 21. The purpose of these short meetings is to allow for a question and answer session about the Next Level project. The intent is give the O&M employees a chance to ask questions that they may still have after hearing the March 5 All Hands Meeting.
Update - February 5, 2014
The objective of the Next Level Team is to implement the change recommendations outlined
in Huron Education Consultants assessment of the OSU Physical Plant organization.
Those recommendations are designed to implement a new Physical Plant organization
that is focused on preventive maintenance, is organizationally and operationally aligned
to meet the requirements of a preventive maintenance organization, and maximizes the
use of its existing computerized maintenance management system (CMMS), AIM, to optimize
processes and provide leadership with appropriate information and data to make effective
management decisions.
Huron Recommendations:
Huron Recommendations:
- Invest in mobile technology
- Manage using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- Use customer surveys to obtain feedback regarding work completed
- Create a Guide to Services, post it on the PP website, and share it with the campus community
- Develop Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
- Encourage a culture of flexibility and transparency to enhance customer relationships
- Implement a multi-trade zone maintenance structure
- Establish separate maintenance and construction units
- Institute a preventive maintenance focused organization
- Conduct an employee climate survey and hold employee focus groups
- Provide PP staff with formal recognition and opportunities for involvement
- Create and promote a web-based service desk for online work order submission and tracking
- Streamline the work order process
- Streamline the estimation and project execution process
- Develop a project management manual
- Review requirements for time tracking
- Document all PP procedures for staff positions
- Re-Implement AIM
Update - January 2014
- Next Level Employee Satisfaction team update:
- Employee satisfaction focus groups concluded development of their recommendations for improvements. The recommendations focused on 5 areas: communication, training, career advancement, performance review and recognition. Next steps are for those recommendations to be incorporated into the development of the new organization structure being developed by the Next Level Organization Design team. Recommendations will be posted to the Next Level website for review.
- Next Level Organization Design team has held several meetings to discuss the following
- What work will be done by the zones, central group and construction? For example: What is the zone responsible for and when do they reach out to the central group for assistance.
- What trades will be in the zones. For example: will there be painting employees in the zone or will it be a central group function.
- What is the number of employees that need to be assigned to the construction group, each of the 5 zones and the central group?
- Preliminary discussion of human resource issues such as job titles and reporting structures
- Aim was Board approved on Jan 24.
- Next Level Team will utilize the services of Cristina Wheless of CKIS Consultants and Asset Works to assist with the Aim re-implementation
- Meeting was held week of Jan 13 with Cristina Wheless to begin the preliminary Aim discussions. Discussion topics were: Project scope, GU expense accounting, chargeback policy and introduction of asset loading into Aim. Cristina also held a demonstration of the scheduling and mobile Aim capabilities with the Next Level Org Design team.
- Full Aim reimplementation design work is to begin in March, 2014
- Other items of note:
- The next All Employee meeting is being scheduled for mid-February
- It is possible that the Physical Plant will “rebrand” with a new name to reflect the new organization structure. If re-branding is approved then all Physical Plant employees will be asked to contribute their suggestions for a new name.
- Please continue to send questions and comments through the Q&A.
Update - November 18, 2013
- Customer service team began holding focus group sessions to get a better understanding of survey issues.
- Employee satisfaction team will begin developing employee focus groups.
- Organizational design team held its first meeting with the team to discuss Huron recommendations.
Update - November 12, 2013
- Customer service survey results were received from Huron and posted on the website. The survey results showed customer concerns focused on quality, cost, timing, and communication. The next step for this team is to develop focus groups that will identify the root cause of the concerns and provide recommendations to the organization design team for incorporation into the new physical plant organization concept.
- Employee satisfaction survey results were received from Huron and posted on the website. The survey results showed employee concerns focused on communication, training, recognition, career development, and performance reviews. The next step for this team is to develop focus groups for each of theses concerns to help determine recommendations.
- The organization design team presented a recommendation to Physical Plant leadership to move the Physical Plant to a new maintenance organization utilizing the zone maintenance concept. This recommendation was based on assessment of current organization, research of peer universities, APPA research and Huron recommendations. The next steps for this team will be to develop a team to design the zone maintenance structure in more depth.
- Meetings were held with AssetWorks, Christina Wheless of CKIS Consulting, Huron Consulting, and the Next Level teams to review the current AiM functionality, and address a scope of work and cost estimate for re-implementation which are due back by 11/19/2013.
- An all employee update meeting was held on 11/11/2013 at Wes Watkins Center to update employees on the survey results, and the recommendation to move to a zone maintenance structure.
- Scheduled leadership team meeting for November 21st with the leadership team as well as Huron and the project team.
Update - October 3, 2013
- Completed the evaluation of the current state of the physical plant organization design.
- The employee satisfaction workgroup completed the final revisions of the employee satisfaction survey and surveys were sent out on 09/23/2013
- The customer satisfaction workgroup completed the final revisions of the customer satisfaction survey and surveys were sent out to approximately 1000 customers on 09/25/2013
- Reviewed the current state of AiM and working to complete the transition from FMS by building web interfaces that emulate what functionality FMS currently provides for payroll and CVI's.
- Determined the next Huron site engagement date to be October 17th & 18th.
- Scheduled leadership team meeting for October 17th with the leadership team as well as Huron and the project team.
Update - September 12, 2013
- Reviewed the baseline APPA (American Physical Plant Association) data provided by Huron Consulting.
- Began evaluating the current state of the physical plant organization design.
- Reviewed the final employee satisfaction survey.
- Updated the customer satisfaction survey.
- Reviewed the current state of AiM.
- Determined the next Huron on site engagement dates.
Update - September 6, 2013
- Workgroup team members were determined by the workgroup chairperson and sent to the leadership team for review.
- Project kickoff meeting was held on 09/03/2013 at Wes Watkins Center.
- Several ideas are being reviewed for communication to key stakeholders, and final communications will be determined into next week.
- Reviewed customer and employee survey templates and prepared communications to workforce and customer participants.
- The project team members met with the Executive Sponsor to update on the initial meetings and progress.
- Meeting was held on 08/29/2013 with Asset Works and Physical Plant leadership and the project team to discuss steps going forward, as well as Asset Works' availability/involvement going forward.
- The next Huron on site engagement was established for September 19th and 20th.
Update - August 27, 2013
- Planned for project kickoff meeting in Wes Watkins auditorium.
- Developed project website for employees to receive updates, submit questions, and get more information.
- Created the project SharePoint site for sharing documents with the project team.