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Planting List

In partnership with the OSU Senior Administration, Engineering Without Borders, Office of Sustainability, Facilities Management Landscape Services, and many student/faculty/staff volunteers a Pocket Prairie was planned and planted on November 8, 2022.  More information and images to come as the plants mature, and the area develops.  


The Pocket Prairie utilizes a sustainable maintenance approach that minimizes chemical use to protect local ecosystems. Instead of relying on synthetic herbicides and pesticides, this area prioritizes natural methods such as manual weed removal, mulching, and the introduction of native plant species that outcompete invasive weeds. Integrated pest management (IPM) techniques, including the use of beneficial insects and companion planting, further reduce the need for chemical interventions. By fostering biodiversity and maintaining healthy soil, this approach supports pollinators, conserves water, and ensures long-term ecological resilience.


The lower portion of the butterfly wings were planted as small plugs and include the following plants:


Common Name: Lead Plant

Botanical Name: Amorpha canescens


Common Name: Elliott’s Bluestem

Botanical Name: Andropogon gyrans


Common Name: Butterfly Milkweed

Botanical Name: Asclepias tuberosa 


Common Name: Creamy Wild Indigo

Botanical Name: Baptisia bracteate


Common Name: Sideoats Grama

Botanical Name: Bouteloua curtipendula      


Common Name: Bush’s Sedge

Botanical Name: Carex bushii           


Common Name: White Prairie Clover

Botanical Name: Dalea candida


Common Name: Yellow Coneflower

Botanical Name: Echinacea paradoxa


Common Name: Purple Lovegrass

Botanical Name: Eragrostis spectabilis                                                                     


Common Name: Junegrass

Botanical Name: Koeleria macrantha


Common Name: Prairie Blazing Star

Botanical Name: Liatris pycnostachya


Common Name: Spotted Beebalm

Botanical Name: Monarda punctata


Common Name: White Upland/Stiff Aster

Botanical Name: Oligoneuron album


Common Name: Blue Sage

Botanical Name: Saliva azurea


Common Name: Little Bluestem

Botanical Name: Schizachyrium scoparium


Common Name: Showy Goldenrod

Botanical Name: Solidago speciosa                                                                          


Common Name: Diamondflower

Botanical Name: Stenaria nigricans                                                                          


Common Name: Ohio Spiderwort

Botanical Name: Tradescantia ohiensis


Common Name: Heart Leaved Alexander

Botanical Name: Zizia aptera


Planting Day


The upper portion of the butterfly wings were planted using a seed mix, broadcast and covered in place with a light dusting of wood chips.  The upper wing area is roughly 1,860 sqft and the seed mix was a meadow for dry places, grass and forbs.  It included the plants in the list below.  The bloom time for these pollinators is between April and October.


Common Name: Nodding Onion

Botanical Name: Allium cernum


Common Name: Sideoats Grass

Botanical Name: Bouteloua curtipendula


Common Name: Partridge Pea

Botanical Name: Chamaecrista fasciculata


Common Name: Lanceleaf coreopsis

Botanical Name: Coreopsis lanceolata


Common Name: Purple Coneflower

Botanical Name: Echinacea purpurea 


Common Name: Canada Wild Rye

Botanical Name: Elymus canadensis


Common Name: Wild Bergamot

Botanical Name: Monarda fistulosa


Common Name: Dotted Beebalm

Botanical Name: Monarda punctata


Common Name: Beardtongue

Botanical Name: Penstemon digitalis


Common Name: Hairy Beardtongue

Botanical Name: Penstemon hirsutus


Common Name: Slender Mountain Mint

Botanical Name: Pycnanthemum tenuifolium


Common Name: Black-Eyed Susan

Botanical Name: Rudbeckia hirta


Common Name: Sweet Coneflower

Botanical Name:  Rudbeckia subtomentosa


Common Name: Little Bluestem

Botanical Name: Schizachryium scoparium


Common Name: Old Field Goldenrod

Botanical Name: Solidago nemoralis


Common Name: Skyblue Aster

Botanical Name: Symphoyotrichum oolentangiense


Common Name: Hoary Vervain

Botanical Name: Verbena stricta