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The Native Plant Corridor, stretching from Hester Street west to Monroe Street, just north of the Edmon Low Library, is proof of the power of community and a shared vision. Its multiple sections, each a testament to the dedicated effort of the OSU community, were made possible through a blend of grants, collective funding, and the support of senior administration. As you explore this living tapestry of Oklahoma's native plants, you'll witness the collaborative spirit that has transformed this corridor into a living, breathing tribute to the state's natural heritage. This green corridor represents a integration of dedication and investment, creating a space where nature and the OSU community beautifully converge. 


The Native Plant Corridor utilizes a sustainable maintenance approach that minimizes chemical use to protect local ecosystems. Instead of relying on synthetic herbicides and pesticides, this area prioritizes natural methods such as manual weed removal, mulching, and the introduction of native plant species that outcompete invasive weeds. Integrated pest management (IPM) techniques, including the use of beneficial insects and companion planting, further reduce the need for chemical interventions. By fostering biodiversity and maintaining healthy soil, this approach supports pollinators, conserves water, and ensures long-term ecological resilience.

Bison Addition

Bison Addition Map

Your journey through the Native Plant Corridor begins with a striking symbol of the prairie, the American Plains Bison.  This planting bed holds plants and native grasses that have thrived in this land for generations. This inviting starting point beckons you to explore the rich biodiversity of Oklahoma's landscape, offering a glimpse into the colors, textures, and scents that make this corridor a truly immersive experience.  

This portion of the Native Plant Corridor was made possible by:

OSU Senior Administration

Biosystems and Ag Engineering Lab

Facilities Management Landscape Services Design, Greenhouse Management, and Installation Services

Bison Being Crained Into Place


Bison Addition Plantings

Common Name: Yarrow

Botanical Name: Achillea millefolium


Common Name: Milkweed

Botanical Name: Asclepias tuberosa


Common Name: 'Raydon's Favorite'

Botanical Name: Aster Oblongifolius "Raydon's Favorite"


Common Name: Lyrealeaf greeneyes

Botanical Name: Berlandiera lyrata


Common Name: American Beautyberry

Botanical Name: Callicarpa americana


Common Name: Sedge

Botanical Name: Carex pensylvanica  


Common Name: Ribbon Falls Sedge

Botanical Name: Carex Ribbon Falls


Common Name: Cheyenne Spirit Coneflower

Botanical Name: Echinacea Cheyenne Spirit


Common Name: Pow WowWhite Coneflower

Botanical Name: Echinacea purpurea PowWow White


Common Name: Purple Lovegrass

Botanical Name: Eragrotis spectabilis


Common Name: 'Amber Wheels' Gaillardia

Botanical Name: Gaillardia aristata 'Amber Wheels'


Common Name: 'Arizona Sun' Gaillardia

Botanical Name: Gaillardia grandiflora 'Arizona Sun'

Common Name: False Sunflower

Botanical Name: Heilopsis helianthoides


Common Name: Sneezeweed 'Mardi Gras'

Botanical Name: Helenium 'Mardi Gras'


Common Name: Blackfoot Daisy

Botanical Name: Melampodium leucanthum


Common Name: Eastern Beebalm

Botanical Name: Monarda bradburiana


Common Name: Spotted Beebalm

Botanical Name: Monarda punctata


Common Name: Undaunted Ruby Muhly Grass

Botanical Name: Muhlenbergia reverchonii


Common Name: Switch Grass

Botanical Name: Panicum 'Cloud Nine'


Common Name: Downy Phlox

Botanical Name: Phlox philosa


Common Name: Blue Emerald Phlox

Botanical Name: Phlox subulata


Common Name: Brown-Eyed Susan 'Prairie Glow'

Botanical Name: Rudbeckia triloba 'Prairie Glow'   


Common Name: Pink Preference Texas Sage
Botanical Name: Salvia greggi 'Pink Preference'


Common Name: Little Bluestem

Botanical Name: Schizachyrium scoparium


Common Name: Spike Speedwell

Botanical Name: Veronica "White"

Chickasaw Nation Addition

The Chickasaw Nation Addition is a space along the Corridor enriched by its recent upgrades. At its heart stands the formidable Chickasaw Warrior statue, an emblem of strength and heritage. The statue was donated by the Chickasaw Nation and the artist is Enoch Kelly Haney.  The construction in the area prompted a renewal of the surrounding greenery, with updated plantings that now bloom with life.


This portion of the Native Plant Corridor was made possible by:

OSU Senior Administration

Facilities Management Landscape Services Design and Installation Services

Engineering South Addition

Native Plant Corridor Phase 1

This portion of the Native Plant Corridor was made possible by:

OSU Senior Administration

SGA Sustainability GSI Grant

Facilities Management Landscape Services Design and Installation Services

The Engineering South section of the Native Plant Corridor is a garden of dedication. Originally established in 2016, thanks to the generous support of the SGA Sustainability Green Student Initiative Grant. Over the years, this section has undergone multiple adaptations due to ongoing construction in the vicinity. However, after overcoming these challenges, it now proudly stands as a fully realized vision, harmoniously integrated into its evolving surroundings.

Edmon Low North Addition

Edmon Low North Planting Design

This portion of the Native Plant Corridor was made possible by:

OSU Senior Administration

Donors to the Library Foundation

Facilities Management Landscape Services Design and Installation Services

The Edmon Low North Addition is more than just plaza behind the library, it's a dynamic garden space that seamlessly blends art, nature, and functionality. As a certified Monarch Waystation, it provides a vital refuge for these iconic butterflies as they journey through their migrations. This green oasis features captivating art placeholders, alongside a tapestry of native plants that pay homage to Oklahoma's natural heritage. With thoughtfully placed seating, visitors can savor moments of contemplation or connection, while convenient charging stations cater to modern needs. As the gentle sound of a water feature serenades the senses, the Edmon Low North Addition embodies the fusion of art and nature.

Monarch Waystation Certificate

Edmon Low Library North Plantings

Common Name: Maple

Botanical Name: Acer davidii var. grandifolium


Common Name: Bottlebrush Buckeye

Botanical Name: Aesculus parviflora


Common Name: Butterscotch Amsonia

Botanical Name: Amsonia hubrichtii ‘Butterscotch’


Common Name: Black Chockeberry

Botanical Name: Aronia melanocarpa


Common Name: False Indigo

Botanical Name: Baptisia ‘Brownie Points’ PP 26624


Common Name: Sedge

Botanical Name: Carex pensylvanica


Common Name: Flame Thrower Redbud

Botanical Name: Cercis canadensis ‘Flame Thrower


Common Name: Blue Mistflower

Botanical Name: Conoclinium coelestinum


Common Name: Pucker Up Dogwood
Botanical Name: Cornus stolonifera


Common Name: Yellow Coneflower

Botanical Name: Echinacea paradoxa


Common Name: Rattlesnake Master

Botanical Name: Eryngium yuccifolium  


Common Name: Dwarf Fothergilla

Botanical Name: Fothergilla gardenia


Common Name: Swamp Sunflower

Botanical Name: Helianthus angustifolius


Common Name: Oakleaf Hydrangea

Botanical Name: Hydrangea quercifolia


Common Name: Weeping Yaupon Holly

Botanical Name: Ilex vomitoria f. pendula     


Common Name: Grey Owl Juniper

Botanical Name: Juniperus virginiana ‘Grey Owl’                


Common Name: Bee Balm Bubblegum Blast

Botanical Name: Monarda ‘Bubblegum Blast’


Common Name: Undaunted Ruby Muhly Grass

Botanical Name: Muhlenbergia reverchonii


Common Name: Roundleaf ragwort

Botanical Name: Packera obovata


Common Name: Dark Towers Beardtongue

Botanical Name: Penstemon Dark Towers


Common Name: Ninebark

Botanical Name: Physocarpus opuliflius 


Common Name: Selfheal

Botanical Name: Prunella vulgaris


Common Name: Gro-Low Fragrant Sumac

Botanical Name: Rhus aromatica ‘Gro-Low’


Common Name: Rudbeckia maxima

Botanical Name: Giant Coneflower


Common Name: Little Bluestem

Botanical Name: Schizachyrium scoparium


Common Name: Globe Mallow Louis Hamilton

Botanical Name: Sphaeralcea Louis Hamilton


Common Name: Kickin Pink Chiffon Aster  

Botanical Name: Symphyotrichum novae-angliae


Common Name: Angelita Daisy

Botanical Name: Tetraneuris acaulis


Common Name: Frostweed

Botanical Name: Verbesina virginica       


Common Name: Iron Butterfly Ironweed

Botanical Name: Vernonia lettermanni  


Common Name: Color Guard Yucca

Botanical Name: Yucca filamentosa ‘Color Guard’   

Common Name: Yarrow

Botanical Name: Achillea millefolium


Common Name: Blue Star Amsonia

Botanical Name: Amsonia hubrechtii


Common Name: Bushy Bluestem

Botanical Name: Andropogon glomeratus


Common Name: Milkweed

Botanical Name: Asclepias


Common Name: Straggler Daisy

Botanical Name: Calyptocarpus vialis


Common Name: Fox Sedge

Botanical Name: Carex vulpinoidea


Common Name: Wood Oats

Botanical Name: Chasmanthium latifolium


Common Name: Tickseed Uptick Gold & Bronze

Botanical Name: Coreopsis hybrid


Common Name: Sombrero Adobe Orange

Botanical Name: Echinacea Adobe Orange 


Common Name: Lovegrass

Botanical Name: Eragrostis spectabilis   


Common Name: Joe Pye Weed

Botanical Name: Eutrochium spp    


Common Name: Carolina Jessamine

Botanical Name: Gelsemium sempervirens


Common Name: Red Yucca

Botanical Name: Hesperaloe parviflora


Common Name: Little Goblin Red Winterberry Holly

Botanical Name: Ilex verticillata                


Common Name: Dwarf Yaupon Holly

Botanical Name: Ilex vomitoria ‘Nana’   


Common Name: Shasta Daisy Becky

Botanical Name: Leucanthemum x superburm ‘Becky’                    


Common Name: Spotted Beebalm

Botanical Name: Monarda punctata


Common Name: Southern Wax Myrtle

Botanical Name: Myrica cerifera ‘Don’s Dwarf’


Common Name: Northwind Switch Grass

Botanical Name: Panicum virgatum ‘Northwind’


Common Name: Carolina Phlox

Botanical Name: Phlox Carolina


Common Name: Slender Mountain Mint

Botanical Name: Pycnanthemum tenuifolium     


Common Name: Sand Cherry

Botanical Name: Prunus besseyi


Common Name: Viette’s Little Suzy

Botanical Name: Rudbeckia fulgida          


Common Name: Germander sage

Botanical Name: Salvia chamaedryoides


Common Name: Golden Torch Goldenrod

Botanical Name: Solidago Wichita Mountain


Common Name: Tiger Eyes Sumac

Botanical Name: Sumac Tiger Eyes ‘Bailtiger’


Common Name: Dream of Beauty Aromatic Aster

Botanical Name: Symphyotrichum oblongifolius ‘Dream of Beauty’


Common Name: Prairie Sunshine Hymenoxys

Botanical Name: Tetraneuris scapose


Common Name: Ironweed

Botanical Name: Vernonia fasciculata


Common Name: Beargrass

Botanical Name: Xerophyllum tenax 

Biodiversity Garden Addition

Biodiversity Garden

The Biodiversity Garden, a captivating retreat within the Native Plant Corridor, serves as a sanctuary for the smallest inhabitants of our ecosystem. Here, pollinator hotel provides shelter for a multitude of fascinating critters, underscoring the garden's commitment to fostering biodiversity. A splendid butterfly topiary helps to celebrate the beauty of the area celebrating the delicate beauty of these pollinators.  Meandering walking paths wind through the landscape, inviting exploration and contemplation. Thoughtfully placed seating areas offer tranquil respites, where visitors can take a break, study, or have lunch while connecting with the nature around them.

Insect Hotel Design

This portion of the Native Plant Corridor was made possible by:

Senior Administration

Office of Sustainability

OSU Student ASLA Chapter

Facilities Management Landscape Services Design and Installation Services

Biodiversity Garden Addition Plantings

Common Name: Sweet Flag

Botanical Name: Acorus americanus


Common Name: Red Buckeye

Botanical Name: Aesculus pavia


Common Name: Lead Plant

Botanical Name: Amorpha canescens


Common Name: False Indigo Bush

Botanical Name: Amorpha fruiticosa


Common Name: Shining False Indigo

Botanical Name: Amorpha nitens


Common Name: Hubricht's Bluestar

Botanical Name: Amsonia hubrichtii


Common Name: Eastern Bluestar

Botanical Name: Amsonia tabernaemontana


Common Name: Blackhawks Bluestem

Botanical Name: Andropogon gerardii Blackhawks


Common Name: Black Mountain Bluestem

Botanical Name: Andropogon ternarius 'Black Mountain'


Common Name: Eastern Red Columbine

Botanical Name: Aquilegia canadensis


Common Name: Swamp Milkweed

Botanical Name: Asclepias incarnata


Common Name: Showy Milkweed

Botanical Name: Asclepias specisoa


Common Name: Milkweed

Botanical Name: Asclepias tuberosa


Common Name: Butterfly Milkweed

Botanical Name: Asclepias tuberosa


Common Name: Prairie Gold Butterfly Milkweed

Botanical Name: Asclepias tuberosa


Common Name: WhorledMilkweed

Botanical Name: Asclepias verticillata


Common Name: Sky Blue Aster

Botanical Name: Aster azureus


Common Name: Smooth Violet Prairie Aster

Botanical Name: Aster turbinellus


Common Name: False Indigo

Botanical Name: Baptisia ‘Brownie Points’ PP 26624


Common Name: White False Indigo

Botanical Name: Baptisia Alba


Common Name: Blue Grama

Botanical Name: Bouteloua gracilis 


Common Name: American Beautyberry

Botanical Name: Callicarpa americana


Common Name: White American Beautyberry

Botanical Name: Callicarpa americana alba


Common Name: Carolina-allspice

Botanical Name: Calycanthus floridus 


Common Name: Bush's Sedge

Botanical Name: Carex bushii


Common Name: Sedge

Botanical Name: Carex pensylvanica  


Common Name: Buttonbush

Botanical Name: Cephalanthus occidentalis 


Common Name: 'Oklahoma' Redbud

Botanical Name: Cercis canadensis var. texensis 


Common Name: Littleleaf Moutain Mahogany

Botanical Name: Cercocarpus ledifolius intricatus 


Common Name: Lanc-Leaved Coreopsis

Botanical Name: Coreopsis lancelata 


Common Name: American Smoketree

Botanical Name: Cotinus obovatus 


Common Name: White Prairie Clover

Botanical Name: Dalea candida 


Common Name: Narrow Leaf Purple Coneflower

Botanical Name: Echinacea angustifolia 


Common Name: Pale Purple Coneflower

Botanical Name: Echinacea pallida 


Common Name: Yellow Coneflower

Botanical Name: Echinacea paradoxa 


Common Name: Purple Coneflower

Botanical Name: Echinacea purpurea TT


Common Name: Purple Lovegrass

Botanical Name: Eragrotis spectabilis


Common Name: Rattlesnake Master

Botanical Name: Eryngium yuccfolium 


Common Name: Strawberry Bush

Botanical Name: Euonymus americanus 


Common Name: Spotted JoePye Weed

Botanical Name: Eupatorium maculatum 


Common Name: Indian Blanket

Botanical Name: Gaillardia pulchella


Common Name: Rose Vervain

Botanical Name: Glandularia canadensis


Common Name: Virginian Witch Hazel 

Botanical Name: Hamamelis virginiana 


Common Name: Mariachi Salsa Helenium

Botanical Name: Helenium autumnale


Common Name: Maximilian Sunflower

Botanical Name: Helianthus maximiliani 


Common Name: Ox Eye

Botanical Name: Heliopsis helianthoides var. Burning Heart


Common Name: Red Yucca

Botanical Name: Hesperaloe parviflora


Common Name: Smooth Hydrangea

Botanical Name: Hydrangea arborescens annabelle 


Common Name: St. John's Wort

Botanical Name:  Hypericum lobocarpum

Common Name: Shrubby St. John's Wort

Botanical Name: Hypericum prolificum 


Common Name: Possumhaw

Botanical Name: Ilex decidua 


Common Name: American Holly

Botanical Name: Ilex opaca 


Common Name: Dwarf Crested Iris

Botanical Name: Iris cristata 


Common Name: Copper Iris

Botanical Name: Iris fulva 


Common Name: Fizzy Mizzy Itea

Botanical Name: Itea virginica 


Common Name: Rough Blazing Star

Botanical Name: Liatris aspera


Common Name: Cardinal Flower

Botanical Name: Lobelia cardinalis


Common Name: Umbrella Magnolia

Botanical Name: Magnolia tripetala


Common Name: Winged Monkey Flower

Botanical Name: Mimulus alatus


Common Name: Beebalm

Botanical Name: Monarda 


Common Name: Spotted Beebalm

Botanical Name: Monarda punctata


Common Name: Don's Dwarf Southern Wax Myrtle

Botanical Name: Myrica cerifera dwarf


Common Name: Beargrass

Botanical Name: Nolina microcarpa


Common Name: American Olive

Botanical Name: Osmanthus americanus


 Common Name: Roundleaf Ragwort

Botanical Name: Packera obvata 


Common Name: Purple Tears Panicum

Botanical Name: Panicum virgatum 'Purple Tears'


Common Name: Foxglove

Botanical Name: Penstemon digitalis 


Common Name: Foxglove Beardtongue

Botanical Name: Penstemon digitalis Husker red 


Common Name: Carolina Phlox

Botanical Name: Phlox carolina


Common Name: May Breeze Woodland Phlox

Botanical Name: Phlox divaricata May breeze


Common Name: Frogfruit

Botanical Name: Phyla nodiflora 


Common Name: Smooth Solomon's Seal

Botanical Name: Polygonatum biflorum 


Common Name: Wafer Ash Hoptree

Botanical Name: Ptelea trifoliata 


Common Name: Dwarf Chestnut Oak

Botanical Name: Quercus prinoidis


Common Name:  Upright Prairie Coneflower

Botanical Name: Ratibida columnifera Mexican Hat


Common Name: Carolina Buckthorn

Botanical Name: Rhamnus caroliniana


Common Name: Gro-Low Fragrant Sumac

Botanical Name: Rhus aromatica gro-low


Common Name: Orange Coneflower

Botanical Name: Rudbeckia fulgida 


Common Name: Dwarf Palmetto

Botanical Name: Sabal minor


Common Name: Blue Sage

Botanical Name: Salvia azurea subsp pitchrii 'Nekan'


Common Name: Little Bluestem

Botanical Name: Schizachyrium scoparium


Common Name: Blue Heaven Little Bluestem
Botanical Name: Schizachyrium scoparium Blue Heaven


Common Name: Shining Star Little Bluestem

Botanical Name: Schizachyrium scoparium Shining Star


Common Name: Smokey Hills Skullcap

Botanical Name: Scutellaria resinosa Smokey Hills 


Common Name: Maryland Senna

Botanical Name: Senna marilandica


Common Name: Compass Plant

Botanical Name: Silphium laciniatum 


Common Name: Blue Eyed Grass
Botanical Name: Sisyrichium angustifolium 


Common Name: Goldenrod

Botanical Name: Solidago Wichita Mountains 


Common Name: Indiangrass

Botanical Name: Sorghastrum nutans


Common Name: Indian Pink

Botanical Name: Spigelia marilandica 


Common Name: American Bladdernut

Botanical Name: Staphylea trifolia 


Common Name: Common Snowberry
Botanical Name: Symphocoricarpus albus 


Common Name: Yellow Crownbeard

Botanical Name: Verbesina helianthoides


Common Name: Summer's Surrender Ironweed

Botanical Name: Vernonia summer's surrender


Common Name: Culver's Root

Botanical Name: Veronicastrum virginicum 


Common Name: Southern Black Haw

Botanical Name: Viburnum rufidulum


Common Name: Gold on Blue Prairie Zinnia
Botanical Name: Zinnia grandiflora Gold on Blue